Monthly Archives: August 2012

“Chalk Outline”

August 13th, 2012. Canadian rock band Three Days Grace released the firs single off of their fourth studio album, Transit Of Venus,”Chalk Outline”. It has a hard rock sound, resembling the sound of Seether’s Karma and Effect album. The chorus is very catchy in the awesome alternative way, versus the annoying radio pop-tune feel. It’s fun to sing with, but Adam is still showing off his great vocal talent.

Some bands go less than a year between albums, just pushing them out to make money. “Chalk Outline” just shows you why Three Days Grace takes their time writin songs and records. I love it and know the album will be amazing.

Xoxo Radium

“Bad”, Credit Where Credit Is Due

I’ve decided that musicians on YouTube are just as important and should recieve their credit for great music, when credit is due. There are specifially three artists on YouTube that have earned this title from me:

Matt Mcnulty, OfViceAndVirtue92,

Baker Smith, BakerMSmith,

“Karl Prytz”, mynameisb4tman,

Today, Matt McNulty released on his channel his first acoustic (“Bad” by The Cab) cover, no backing tracks, no pre-recording and tweaking, he finally played just hisvoice and a guitar. I assume that he did this for fun, but he definitely shut some haters up. The way he sings and plays, will make you forget it is just an acoustic cover, and you’ll be singing along and trying to find this version on Itunes.

Matt has a great voice that can range from acoustic, to pop, to hardcore, and he knows how to play more instruments than most musicians that are in famous bands these days. Not only this, but he knows how to use music technology. This video just proves that when you make him go back to the basics, he still rules, with more talent and dedication than many people. I think that other than this, the video speaks for itself.

Xoxo Radium Rollercoaster

Fearless Vampire Killers!

Well, one does certainly stumble upon interesting music in the strangest ways. Today that music is Fearless Vampire Killers (not the movie, the band). A random My Chemical Romance picture sent my friend on a hunt for two of the unnamed, non-familiar people in the picture. Two of them happened to be members of this oddly titled band. When she approved greatly, I knew I had to check it out.

Listening to “Bow Ties on Dead Guys”, you can see why Bizarre Magazine said “if My Chemical Romance and Panic At The Disco mated, their offspring might look like Fearless Vampire Killers.” While I attempt to not think of that prospect itself, it is obvious that the similarities are there. Like Panic At The Disco as of late, the band has touches of steampunk and the dead red and black makeup that most people associate with My Chemical Romance.

Despite their theatrical resemblances, I think that this band is definitely an English vampire Fall Out Boy. You can hear the accents in some of the words that they enunciate, but the style of singing and guitar is much like Fall Out Boy. Obviously this band at least sparked my interest and I would be lying if I said most people would not like them.

So, I leave you with a journey to discover them and let me know what you think!

Xoxo Radium Rollercoaster

Set It Off: Announcements!

                There is a lot of good music in the world, but if you haven’t heard of Set It Off, you are seriously missing out. I have been obsessed with them since I heard their song “Breathe In, Breathe Out” a few months ago. Since then, I’ve been on a huge mission to promote them, listen to them, and meet them in person. I hope to get an interview with them on September 19th when I go to see them and There for Tomorrow (another amazing band).

                They are a 5-manned rock group from Tampa Florida. In today’s society your first question would be “what kind of rock?” Don’t even worry about that. Set It Off has something for everyone to enjoy. They’ve got a unique style, from the vocal sounding guitar to awesome drum beats to Cody’s inimitable vocals. Not to mention lyrics that actually mean something while still being fun and catchy. I’ve been caught humming to their songs at the most random of moments.

                Now, while I’d love to review their music, from “Horrible Kids” to the slower “Missing You” to their new single from the upcoming debut album Cinematics, “I’ll Sleep When I Am Dead”, I am writing this article for a more specific reason. I want you, yes you, whether you enjoy my articles or hate them, whether you like rock or pop, if you are a guy or a girl. Go take a listen to them, and hopefully like them on facebook. They deserve the recognition.

                Also, if you buy their album, donations will be made to the VH1 Save the Music foundation, that promotes music education in schools nationwide. If you want to know why this is so important to the band, just check this out! []  They are a great bunch of guys, and not only do they deserve the money and recognition, but VH1 also deserves to be supported. So go get a presale copy of Cinematics, listen to their older music, and just support them in whatever way you can. I’ll be reviewing a few songs of theirs in a few weeks so keep an eye out.

                Also, enjoy this song, my favorite video and tune of theirs so far ❤

Love you all and love the band,

                Xoxo Radium Rollercoaster

Whole Lotta New Music

Before everything starts up with crazy musical terms and facts, my phone is now dead. As in severely dysfunctional. Somehow all my electronics are saying some nasty words to me. Maybe I should clean my room. How is school for you guys? And for those of you out of school, how is life? I’ve got two honors classes and an AP class. Plus marching band.

Beside the point, I’d like to thank Alternative Press for getting this out before it gained a lot of attention. I must have mentioned to you my love for A Rocket To The Moon. Well, I realized they had never gotten huge and with only a few songs from their single studio album, I was despairing that they’d never make more music together. I know some bands that just don’t keep doing what they do and never get extremely big. And then two weeks later, out came the announcement. They are indeed coming up with a new album soon.

This album is going to be called Wild & Free, and Alternative Press gave a song premier today on their first single “Whole Lotta You”. Personally, the title just floors me. I hate the spelling of “lotta” in general, and just the Led Zeppelin song will not stop ring in my ears when I hear that title. But regardless, I love this song. However, it requires open-mindedness. If you listened a lot to On Your Side then you might be slightly adverted against the new sound. It definitely sounds more country and less pop.

 I think the only difference is the guitar is less acoustic and Nick’s vocals are less high and breathy. If anything, I think that it might make them more popular. The beat of most ARTTM songs are upbeat and on the more snare acoustic side, but I think that “Whole Lotta You” definitely goes to the deeper bass side. It’s still a feel good tune that everyone will want to sing to. It almost sounds like the Script if they all decided life was sunshine and butterflies. In fact, this song gives me butterflies.

I think that’s enough blabber, just enjoy the song (:

Xoxo Radium Rollercoaster

Kings For All Days

My laptop crashed. Not sure how to fix it or anything, and it won’t properly start. But my sister was kind enough to let me use hers from time to time, so I’m definitely going to get back to writing.


Pierce the Veil released their video for the single off Collide with the Sky, “King for a Day”, on the 4th. The tune has probably become their most popular very quick. Why? Well, part of it is because it has the fan base of PTV, and the fans from Sleeping with Sirens. Kellin Quinn, the vocalist for SWS, was brought to Vic Fuentes and the rest of PTV through their fans, who were just dying for a duet. And it’s not a duet in the sense that Kellin only sings a few lines, but truly they go back and forth in this song. Personally, I think that the difference between Vic’s coarse vocal beauty and Kellin’s sweet smooth gives this song color and musical depth.


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I hadn’t even thought about a video until I saw they had put one out. I think that it is worth watching the whole thing. Because it’s seemingly unpredictable, and if you are a Sleeping with Sirens fan, the ending will have something you should recognize. All I will say about this video is that Vic finally decided to put someone in their place, and Kellin was more than happy to oblige. It’s set in a bank office, with a corrupt boss and some workers that need more money. Can you figure it out? No? Well, watch it!

Speaking of King for a Day’s video, many fans have tried to pay tribute to this song. To be honest, many failed miserably. I must have watched twenty videos trying to find a good one. There were mediocre ones, don’t get me wrong some of the guys and girls had talent, but it still wasn’t giving me the same feeling as listening to Vic and Kellin. And after a lot of searching, I had found one.

Matt Mcnulty, the bassist for Call Me Anything, has some wicked vocals. He’s done covers of Sleeping With Sirens (F**k You and With Ears to See, Eyes to Hear) and many of Pierce the Veil (Caraphernelia and A Match Into Water), and I am probably a little biased, but I love his voice. It’s amazing. He can scream and sing, and the transitions are smooth. His voice is not auto tuned, if you don’t believe me you can check out… [This:] and he puts his personality into the video’s he makes.

With that being said, I want to know what YOU think.

                Love you all, thanks for supporting me, and check back soon.

Xoxo Radium Rollercoaster